cute couple

cute couple
here we go

Home Sweet Home!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Traveling is not fun in Russia!! However it is an adventure every time.  We found that we could maneuver the airports reasonably well. The time that we have to set in the airports waiting for flights is really long.  We have good news on that front.  The visa are going to be extended to a three yr. visa in Russia but we will still have to leave every 6 months for a migration stamp. That means we just have to go out and then come back in, one foot out two feet out one foot in two feet in. We do not even have to leave the airport.  Since we will be flying out of Yekaterinburg we can get a direct flight to Helsinki then turn around and fly back in.  It also cuts each missionaries travel in half, maybe we can get more missionaries sent here they are really needed. We were blessed to find a native Russian coming to visit her parents in Chelyabinsk from Miami who spoke great English.  In fact that was the longest English conversation I have had with anyone for 6 months.  It was great. We are constantly reminded that Our Father in Heaven is aware of us and watches out for us.  Richard fell over a small ledge holding our luggage and could not catch himself.  I thought sure he had relieved his shin bone of a lot of skin or twisted his ankle.  When we go home to clean it up it ended up that he had just bruised himself not a break in the skin at all. Which if you would have seen the fall you too would have been amazed.  
  We had Borise come to church today.  He is an investigator that we have known since we have been here but have not seen for a month.  He said he had been doing some traveling with his wife and having the time of his life.  He wanted to thank us for helping him with advice on how to make his marriage better. His wife is not interested in the church and did not want him to be.  He wanted to show her that the church was good for their marriage.  I hope she will turn around in her attitude.  He is a great investigator.  Well this week I do a cooking demonstration will write more next week.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Well. The Baptism was a success.  It was blocked in every way.  Right after her interview with the Missionaries Alene got in her car and got in an accident she hit someone walking in the street( she tells this in testimony mtg today) She was scared of what the police would do to her.  So she and the person she hits stand together waiting for the police and the man looked at her with compassion and said I forgive you and walked away.  She said that she could not believe her ears no one in this town does that! (Her words not mine) She said she knew God was pleased with her decision to be baptized and gave her a miracle to prove it.  Then they could not find a place to have the baptism it was off again then late Thursday night Her husband was looking for something else and came across this place he went in to see if he could rent it and he asked they gave him a price that was reasonable but said any more than ten people and after that it would be so much more per person.  He said that that was just too much because it was for a baptism and there would be much more that the base price.  She turned to him and said a Baptism that is a very good reason to be here so she waved the extra charges and said have as many people as you want.  The baptism was on again.  We were all going to meet at the church and take a city bus together, No no the street to get to the place was closed on Saturday because of a Parade. Wow, what else can be thrown up. The poor missionaries made again 20 calls each to say just go to the sauna and meet there. When the husband called his chef friend to help make some of the food he told it what it was for and the friend said it was for a noble cause and he would not charge him.  Alene said that was God's way to let her know he was proud that she committed to pay tithing.  Alene brought her mother who in the day taught English (so she has good English) she came to the baptism thinking her daughter was joining this American English church. she talked to us in English but then she went up to another lady and started to talk to her and ask her where he was from The lady went net net I'm a Russian Grandma, then she saw someone else and tried English on her and she went net net I'm a Russian No English. I think she was greatly relieved that other Russians were members. People made such a fuss over her that she asked her daughter Alene to be her some church magazines so she could read them. The Lord loves us all no matter where we live.  Israel, Israel God is calling you home!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

We have a, no We have two baptisms

We have often talked about the Abduline Family.  It started out to be as a suggested part member family for Richard and I to contact.  Well us and our Russian.we had to have the missionaries do the calling and thanks to their persistent and calling over and over again they finally said yes to a meeting.  We had them over to eat and had another family that they knew in the branch.  They were ready to listen and ready for the spirit to be in their lives.  Their 14 year old daughter is just bursting with enthusiasm and goodness. The family came to church once and she went home and read all the lessons and told her Dad I want to get baptized tomorrow!!!  He of course said slow down we need to have the missionaries teach you the lessons. The Mom Alena has been more guarded with her feelings.  We told them to write down their questions and we would answer them or find the answers for them. The first question really came out of the blue as it dealt with young children when they die when are they raised?  We found a lesson on that very thing in the teaching of the prophets Joseph F. Smith.  Not wanting her daughter to be taught alone she wanted to be present when she was taught and learn too.  She also wanted to read the entire B of M before she would even think about being baptized. The missionaries made up a reading chart and challenged them to read as a family which they are doing. The question came up last time they met with the missionaries about tithing and Alenna said she just didn't think she could do that money is very tight.  Then we had District conference with 2 general authorities we all went on the bus 4 hrs. to listen to the talks.  Yes the family was with us.  They had a special mtg. with new members and investigators at 10:00 then with everyone at 11:00.  I did not go to the 10:00 mtg. but the 11:00 mtg was just amazing. The Last speaker got up and said I am sorry but I really feel prompted that there is someone here who needs to have me speak on the law of tithing and the truthfulness of that commandment.  I hope the rest of you may also benefit and renew your desire to live more fully this law. and then he spoke for 40 minutes on tithing. I new of the questions Alene had and I was blown away. After the mtg I looked back at her and she had tears running down her face.  Which by the way is a big no no in Russia, it is a sign of weakness. The daughter already had a baptismal date for the 8th of Sept. but is was going to be only her.  I tried last week at church to joke and tell Alenne she was next but it did not go over very well. Well Monday we got a call from the missionaries saying that Alenna came home from the conference and said it is time my questions have been answered I must act on faith I want to get baptized with my daughter!!!!  they are an awesome family they have another daughter who is 11 almost 12.  I think they want her to have her own desire and come out and say Me to and that will happen.  May I have and exercise as much faith as I see other have and do each day just to live.  Heavenly Father knows us and knows our needs and loves us.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tender Mercies

I want to write this event down just to remind myself that the Lord does remember us even when we least expects Him too. Richard and I had been on one of our many shopping trips which included a bus ride. We just got on and sat down and before I go any farther I should describe those rides they very from over crowded to crowded and no one speaks to anyone usually you ride in silence  unless your phone goes off or you are drunk then you speak to others.  Sometimes it is very hard to keep your balance as the driving is very stop and go .  If you fall or bump someone they just give dirty looks and say nothing.  We try not to talk to give away our English nationality.  So it is very impersonal and a don't bother me attitude that goes on.  Once someone fell off balance and I know I shouldn't have but I laughed and he looked up and saw me laughing at him (it was funny) and all of a sudden he cracked a smile and even laughed too but then returned to his stern look and life went on quiet.  I 'm getting away from my story.  I sat down and the man across the isle from me turned and smiled and then reached over and lifted my name badge and started to talk to me, in Russian of course, and He manner was very sweet and in deering so I was not afraid just felt bad that I could not understand him.  So I just said I only speak English I'm sorry.  He turned away mumbling something.  All of a sudden I saw him reach for his phone which looked like an I phone and very expensive.  I all of a sudden got the impression "he is calling someone to talk to you and will give you his phone take it." I just shook my head thinking no not that phone he doesn't know if I will steel it or not.  The words take it came again to my mind.  I watched him talk to some one on the phone then he turned to me with the biggest grin and handed me the phone and motioned for me to put it to my ear.  I put it to my ear and in broken English I heard This is Elder King I am suppose to tell you that couples like you are a great blessing to Russian and this gentleman wants you to know what a great thing you are doing here and that he wishes you all the best in what ever you do. I just could not believe what I was hearing and kept saying thank you in Russian (one of the 5 words that I know).  Then I gave the phone back to the man who was grinning from ear to ear and Richard who was saying what what what over and over.   The gentleman sat back folded his arms smiling the rest of the trip .  I told Richard what had happened and he could believe it and I sat thinking I should have asked for his name or something. We got off before he did and we shook his hand and he said a word that was later  translated into meaning wonderfully marvelous. We were not having a down moment in which we needed lifted or a good word from some one but the Lord new the probably in the future we might and He gave us this tender mercy to remind us that we are needed and we are doing His work and He does appreciates our efforts even if to us they do not seem like much.  I love serving my Father -in-Heaven He is always there for us and He does direct His work and cares for His workers.   

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A new assignment

Well, another month has pasted time has really been going fast. I really wanted to go on a mission and be involved with the missionary work of meeting with people and being with the missionaries. That is also what our mission has been so far.  The language has been a real challenge more so for Richard I am now finding out.  Everyone knows that very little stops me from saying what I feel.  Richard on the other hand has sat back and not spoke up.  Mainly because it is really awkward to  talk because you always having someone translate for you and the missionaries only give you very little of what's going on. He has done well I don't want to sound like he has not, it just has not been his thing but he has served with me.  The Lord know us all.  So I got my mission desires fulfilled in the first part of our mission.  We got the call from the Mission President to sharpen our pencils and come to work in the office starting in Nov.  Richard will get the mission experience that he likes the second half and now I will serve with him.  The office I am sure will be a  different thing best of all English is spoken there 95% of the time. Richard will do what he does best and that is budget. We will work with the assistants to the President but not with investigators so much.  I am really kind of surprised cause after knowing us for 5 months the President still asked us to come into the mission home and work closer with him. We are humbled and glad for the assignment.  Winter could have been a lot of time spent in our apartment doing very little. I thank my Father in Heaven for knowing our needs and providing experiences for both of us in this companionship.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Police Yikes Police

Well today was Zone class at our apt. Nothing new, right we have them once a week, Wrong, WRONG!!!
The Zone Leaders walked up to our building and outside and passed a policeman that said you you where are you going? They said to meet with people in this building he asked for their passports they showed them theirs and he said I will come with you!!! So our bell rings and they say Guess who we brought with us????  He comes in and says what is going on? I want to see the person who lives here.  Well I was standing the closest to the door and I said me then the Elders said with her husband.  He wanted our passports well we got the originals not the copies he looked at them and said I will take them and meet you at the office.  The Elders yelled net or no no you won't, you will not leave here with them.  He say Okay where are you registered? not at our address.  WE and the others missionaries give the Churches address as our registered address. He stated that is wrong and we were to with him. He wants to talk with us alone in the other room,  the Elders tell him that will not do because we know no Russian the first time that is a good thing.  By this time my lunch is burning Richard is NOT happy and the Elders are yelling No No we will call our registrar so they call the Sister of the Branch that registers all the missionaries and gets her on the phone to talk with this policeman.  The Elders tell me to give him some cookies (big bribe right)  so I get the cookies.  He eats and asks for our rent agreement.  Then he tells us we are stupid for paying as much rent as we do.  He takes a copy of our passports puts them in his bag but gives us our originals.  Says he will check if we are breaking the Law and will call if he finds anything wrong. We try to give him a Book of Mormon but he refuses it. Like we would want to teach him anyway. Then after 40 minutes with him going through our papers he leaves. Wow are we not in the USA--- we are not!! have WE been shaken Yes we have.  WE must be doing some good here cause Satan is stepping up his game against us.  Thank Heavens we are on the Lord's Team.  He will hold us and protect us and be our guard against evil. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Warning serving a Mission will break your heart with all the good-byes that have to be said!

I didn't expect to get as close to the 19-23 year old missionaries on this  mission as we have.  Every where else in the world they just seem like little kids.  You put them on a mission and they become men and women with leadership abilities that are amazing. We have been privileged to have been under their guidance and love.  I have been greatly humbled by their example to me and to others that are much much older than they.  The saying is true that states whom the Lord calls He qualifies.  The Zone Leader Elders that were here when we arrived took us under their wings and into their hearts and gave us leadership and protection and counsel that will help us through our entire mission.  This week we are saying good-bye to the second of these two young men, it is breaking my heart.  Elder Lefevre whom I got to know before we came, through his mom's blog that she is keeping for him, is a great missionary.  We will miss him in Chely but I am sure there are people the Lord needs him to help in the other parts of the mission.  We love the missionaries and love to serve them and with them.  It may seem like I cook a lot of food but I love it.  We get to fill the spirit of these missionaries and investigators and it is an awesome experience. Thank you Elder Smith, Elder Lefevre, Elder King, Sister Denning, Sister Larkin, Elder Bybee, for crossing our path and loving us so well.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tender Mercies for Elder Meng

When we got here Elder Meng was using an I pod to carry around well two weeks in and he put it in a front pocket of his white shirt. Wrong thing to do because it was lifted.  Well today is his Birthday and guess what He got his replacement in the mail from the Mission home. What a great birthday gift.  We are never far away from the love of others and from our Heavenly Father.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

His Love for all

This week has had some real highs and lows emotionally I am completely drained.  We went to a Zone conference with two Zones included Ufa and Chely we got to go on a train. It was my first train ride really super fun we got a room with the upper and lower bunks.  Since we are seniors we got our own room the Elders had to share and being in a tight room with four of them some times got a little tight with boy smell. Lucky Richard is past that age! We had to get up at 3:00 am to get to the train.  We did catch a few hours of sleep on the train not too bad cause we figured we would get a goodnight sleep at the other Senior couples place in Ufa where we had the conference. We got in and had a great visit with the other couple and then had interviews with President Rust. Then we went out to Dinner WOW we haven't been Out to Eat in Chely cause no one know of a good restaurant here and we have not found one.  Our town is very Detroit like very industrial.  Americans were not even allowed into the city till 2000 too many spies that would see their plants I guess so it is not a tourist destination not even for Russians so eating out is pretty foreign here. Any way sorry to get embellishing too much.  Needless to say the food was really good for a change. This restaurant was just across the street from their church house Another WOW they have an actual church house very small and the chapel doubles as a cultural hall but a church house still the same. The restaurant was also going to cater the meal for the next all day conference. Then we walked to their apartment  I am still impressed in our little apartment the Elders found for us  sparsely decorated but it is the nicest I have seen.  They said they had to paint the kitchen when they first got there cause it was pepto pink they have a lot of supplies because they followed another couple pretty much all you buy fr the apt. you leave  cause it is just too much to take home and you probably have a better one at home anyway that I was jealous of. They had a toaster! a lot of serving stuff. and spices towels and hot pads things I can't seem to buy just am learning to do with out. We were so tired from the trip I went in to lay down and they Richard came in all of a sudden I heard what I thought was laughter but was not it was crying of the most terrible kind. Richards phone went off It was the mission pres. He was on his way over the other senior couple son who lived in Alabama was riding his bike to work and was hit from behind and killed instantly. He leaves a wife and three small children.
The couple has only been out a year and his mom Her step dad and her Mom have passed away during this time they went home once for her mom's funeral and now this. Miracles do happen the Lord knows our needs Ufa is quite a ways away from the mission headquarters, Pres. had to fly in to the conference, he was there because of the conference and was able to get them a flight home, this was around 11:00 our time at night SLC time 11:00 in the morning, at 6:30 that morning our time. They had to leave the apt at 4:30 to catch the flight. We were also with them They did not have to bear this burden alone in a strange land.  They were not left comfortless. I cannot imagine the couples pain and I never want to experience it but What I witness was not pretty she could hardly stay conscious and her cries was almost more than all of us could bear. They stated that they probably would not be back so it gave us three hours to pack them up and sort through all their stuff. Now this was also hampered by the fact you have four suitcases of 44 lbs each and two carry on bags no more. The President, Richard, and The senior Elder gave his wife a blessing then the two gave him a blessing.  They were able to compose themselves enough to pack, the mission presidents wife and I follow her lead and did all the running around ( she was a pretty picky packer not like me just throw it in person). The President worked on travel arrangements with SlC and the area authority in Moscow.  This couple was also to live on a Visa trip but they were headed to the Kiv temple so another miracle they had in there possession both of their passports which just does not happen unless you go to Kiv and that is only at special occasions which they had arranged a couple of months ago. This also a must when you leave Russia and do not plan on coming back. Well we packed them up they had time to shower and even 10 minutes before the Zone leaders, Those wonderful boys who come on missions here to be made men in a hurry, came with a taxi to pick them up and take them to the airport.  The President had called them explained the situation gave them the opportunity to serve their senior couple.  We later found out that they, having our zone leaders staying with them, had all knelt down  in a circle and all four of them took turns saying  prayer for this couple. Then they had come to collect the couple not knowing how or what to do to comfort them but relying on faith came for them at 4;15.  WE HAD THEM PACKED AND WEIGHED AND WAITING FOR THEM!  The six of us knelt in prayer once again asking for peace and endurance for them cause they now face a 16 hour flight through Moscow to NYC then to Alabama.  Their son's branch president would pick them up and an hour car ride to his home.  Miracle, they would probably get there faster this night than if they were in SLC when they had gotten the word. Sleep was not had among many of us who had come to the conference which was to begin at 8:00 that next morning. Richard and I got about 1 1/2 hrs sleep before we had to shower and go. The conference was on obedience and families and how to approach families with the gospel. Then we had testimonies. We all cried for the Senior couple and testified of how important our own families were to us and what a great example they are to us or had helped us learn the gospel.  Then a Russian Elder got up and said how much he loved his family but they would not join the church and he was so sad that he would not belong to an eternal family my goodness how much can my heart take in 48 hrs. he sat down and just cried. I could not leave him alone in a chair crying so I took a chair sat beside him and put my arms around him and held him for the rest of the testimonies. As you can probably guess there was not many who did not stop and count their blessings. All this on a hour and a half of sleep. WE got back on the train at 8:30 that night and I think R Meng and I were a sleep at 8:35 and we arrived home at 6:30 our time in the morning. It is now 3:30 in the afternoon.  I had to write this all down now cause I do not want to relive it again later, but I do want to write it down. I know That God lives and He loves each and every one of us.  He will not leave us in our hour of need alone. He will always put someone in our path to help us threw it some time it will be us who need comfort and sometime if we are lucky we will get to be His arms. He didn't say it would be easy He just said it would be worth it.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Friends and family Richard writes so faithfully I never seem to have much to add but maybe I will share a letter I wrote to my sister as she asked if we would speak English at the family home evening group on Tuesday,  here is the reply: No one seems to speak English, the advice of, oh everyone speaks English was not true.  Pres. Rust and his wife were at church yesterday and he spoke in church  you can’t imagine what a thrill it was to actually listen to a gospel talk that I could understand.  My translator receivers did not work so I understood nothing else during the whole 3 hr. block.  I figure I have only missed about 20 time of church for 63 yrs so I probably have heard most of what is being said at some point so if  I don’t understand anything for 18 months here, I probably will be okay. Three weeks ago I met with the Primary leaders and through the missionaries I explained how opening exercise should go as they were just giving a another lesson. I also asked if they had a child size podium and they did not know what that was. Then Saturday we went to the lady’s house that was to teach the youngest group of kids and I showed her some handouts for her lesson and taught her the song Jesus loves the little children that goes with her next lesson she was excited to get the stuff.  Sunday I went into primary for her lesson and to help.  Guess what they had in the room a podium the branch President and his counselor had made a small podium and painted it white, I cried.  The ladies lesson went soo good the kids got so excited for the handout she had made and the coloring pages and when she talked about the Christ putting the children on his knees (I figured this out cause she was pointing to a picture of Christ with the children) and holding them, she started to cry with emotion and there was such a sweet spirit in the room. Then for the opening exercise Sister Rust came in (the mission presidents wife) with me and they had an opening song a prayer, a scripture read by a child, a talk and a little more singing and then the sharing time. They had taken all I had said with exactness.  The mission president wife said it was the best organized primary in the mission. She wants them to give a demonstration at the next conference.  I am amazed at how small things are trilling me. To walk in the room and see that white podium, maybe we are suppose to be here and maybe I can make a difference even if it is small.  Some days are very long and we seat in the apt with not much to do but read so we wonder about being here but then we ride on funny buses or vans turned into buses and get lost and we laugh. I have a new post on the blog. I love you all The Gospel is true and our Father in Heaven does care about each of us .

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Miracles are still Happening

The Zone Leaders asked us to report all miracles that happen to us as missionaries this week.  Well most of you know me well and I just sat and said to my self well that's for all the other ones here not Richard and I.  Well I can't believe I am writing this but we had our miracle today.  Yesterday night I decided to make a meat loaf ( Cindy sent me some Liption onion soup mix) just had to have it and then I thought it would make good left overs for Richard and I on Sunday not wanting to cook to much.  Then I decided to test out their ready made bread dough for some Cinnamon  rolls.  Cindy also sent some cheese sauce mix so we made mac and cheese. Now remember this was just for our dinner Saturday. Today (Sunday) we went to church and the mission President and his wife and the assists came to the branch. The President got caught doing about 10 extra interviews so it looked like Sister Rust would be sitting at the Branch for a long time well we invited her to our place and the two sister missionaries to share our left overs hoping we could squeeze out enough for 5 more servings us Sister Rust and the sisters. We did Wow that was good I was thinking then the door phone rang and we had President Rust and his two assistants thinking we were out of food I turn to Richard and said what are we going to do? He smile we have more so we fed the next three and had another serving left over for us to have tonight. Now I don't know how that meatloaf grew so big or how we can feed so many meals and still have left overs.  I am constantly reminded of the loafs and fishes that the Savior feed the crowd with.  God still provides for his Servants president Rust and his companions needed to be fed and Heavenly Father provided. We do have miracles in all our lives if we just look for them.  It maybe a rainbow after a terrible storm, it may be a smile from a stranger when other have treated us bad  or it maybe just a hug from a child but we have miracles that will lift and provide for us a greater knowledge that God does care for us and loves us deeply.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tender Mercies

This past week has been busy Monday morning we did a service project at a children's hospital. Sounds exciting right!  We here every where you go they have painted white curbs and they paint all the bases of their trees white. I am not quite sure why but I have heard that it keeps the rabbits away.  It must be right cause I have not seen a rabbit since I have been here.  The administrators building was where the paint was kept and well as everything else.  They do not have the American concept that the administrators place is the most expensive place built. This was not more than a shack with a tin roof and old wood planking  spaced inches apart for the floor.  They poured white paint in 1/4 of the bucket and then added water to fill it up.  I now know what white wash means. We went we painted and every one was happy. yes ans it was the stp people that we see at church no different than at home. We had a meal at a members home that night and shared pictures and a spiritual thought.  We have gone out on meetings with the Elders and Sisters and have met many people Wednesday was a holiday here so we were told to stay inside and clean and busy ourselves so we did.  I tried to make bread and cookies. I still need to work on the bread part. Sunday being Mother's day I seat up all the call home for the missionaries.  They came here at different times to skype or face time their Moms and families.  When I did this task I found out that one Father is not doing well The Sister missionary knows this but his condition is getting majorly worse. I was scared for her turn to come to call home.  If I never accomplish anything else on this mission I am now very aware that I was sent here to be with her at this time. Our Heavenly Father is very much in control and knows our needs and will put people in our path to help us and to hold us up in our hours of needs and sorrows.  I have never felt so much like a conduit for The Lord's love and arms as I did yesterday holding that Sister missionary after her call home. She is much taller than I (surprise, surprise) so as she sat on a stool I just held her head in may arms as she cried  and wept for what will surely come to pass before she gets home. I know that God loves her and her willingness to be obedient to Him in all things. I felt it I tried to have her feel it through me. We walked to church and every meeting there was a powerful message of how we can find peace. She had asked Elder Meng to give her a priesthood blessing so after church The Zone Elders and Him gave her a blessing restating everything that had been said in church or so it seemed to me. How God knows and love us as is in charge and knows our needs and will provide if we are faithful. Again I was blessed to hold her and let her cry and weep. She is an amazing young Lady and is sure footed in the gospel and knows how she can best bring blessings down from Heaven to her Dad. She told me this and said this is one of many reasons she came on a mission so that her Dad could be blessed through her willingness and her obedience. I stand in ah of her and these young giants they call missionaries.  I had fixed dinner before we went to church for a party of 5 well we ended up with 11.  We had the prayer on the food and like the loaves and the fishes we eat and were filled and we had food left over.  I do testify that God loves us all He knows our needs and He will provide, and some times we are blessed enough to be help him provide and sometimes we are blessed to whom He provides for. I love ya all

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Two Baptisms

Well we have had two baptisms in our City of Chely.  The first was a man named Vassaslve.  He is about 70 years old.  The second is a lady about 82 years old.  I can not tell you of the humbling feeling I get when I think of what they have seen and been through in their life time. I hear of the psychical hunger and the spiritual hunger that they have endured and I can't help but be humbled for I have never in my life time experience either.  I have been blessed beyond measure.  We have been asked to sit in on some meeting with the Elders and Sisters not only by them but by their investigators some have worked out and one did not go the way the investigator wanted it to go.  The priesthood was lost and now has been restored through Joseph Smith and that is the power and true authority of God and I cannot deny that. The power of the Holy Ghost is real sometimes in these meeting it is so strong that you know you are not alone in testifying and  you also know when to stop talking, it is amazing..  The clothes the Elders had for the elderly lady did not look like they would fit so Sunday we were discussing that with the Relief Society then the Grandson came and said oh she has her own clothes and since he was a rm we thought all was taken care of.  Well she came out with a red flowered dress or nightgown the Mission President No and No again.  It seems like if it matters to the Lord that they are all dressed in White clothes that it would  matter too that the Baptism be under the direction of the Priesthood and  done by someone who holds the keys and has the authority to perform that ordinance.   As you can see we are getting the missionary spirit and are trying to do our part it is hard but very humbling at the same time.  I love you all.  Please though look around and be thankful for your life and what you have.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ural State University - Administration Building

Gate-way to a city park

Wife of the Branch Mission Leader and Sister Meng on the shopping plaza
Elder and Sister Meng at Memorial Park, Chelyabinsk

Memorial to World War 2 soldiers

Branch Mission Leader and his wife

An open-air shopping Plaza in Chelybinsk


it is Sunday afternoon (April 22, 2012).  I think we are through for the day.  We began the day with the weekly mission coordination meeting -- all the missionaries and the  branch mission leader.   Then we spent some time visiting with a number of investigators who were coming to church.  Then we had the three-hour block of meetings and a short planning meeting with the other missionaries.  It is now about 4 pm.  Marilyn made a pot of home-made chicken soup and we had that with some bread and cheese.

This has been an interesting week.  All the other missionaries left town for a couple of days.  Two had to go to Finland for their "visa" trip (must leave Russia every three months to get the visa renewed).  One Elder got transferred and his companion had to accompany him to the mission home and then pick up his new companion.  So, we spent a couple of days with the branch mission leader and his wife.  They took us all over the city.  We went to parks, shopping malls, street markets, etc.  It really helped us get a better feel for the city.  As long as the branch mission leader has his "google translate" on his phone....we got along just fine.  We went to a cafe and bought them dinner one evening.

Our afternoons and evenings have been very busy.  We have gone with the elders and the sisters to visit with investigators and less active members.  Some of the less actives are a little older and seem to relate better to us than to the young missionaries.  On man has been investigating the church for a long time.  He is 70.  We have gone with the elders to his place several times and he is going to be baptized this coming Saturday.

A member of the branch...very active...he is the branch clerk and is a returned missionary ... brought his 84 year old grandmother to church today.  Se is going to be baptized May 1st.  She is very nervous about it...does not like the water.  She uses a cane and has a hard time getting around.......but wants to be baptized.

Tomorrow (Monday)  we are having Family Home Evening at our place, again.  There will be about 12 to 14 people plus us.   The zone leaders will be with us and we are having the young adult age people.  Some single and some married.  The Elders will give a short lesson, we will play a couple of games....then we will serve tacos and Marilyn's home-made cinnamon rolls.  Some of the young adults and the Elders will be over early to help make the taco stuff.  Tomorrow is "P" we will go to the grocery store to get all the stuff we need for tacos.

On Saturday (yesterday)  Marilyn had an appointment to get her nails done!  It took 2 1/2 hours!  The nail lady did it all by hand....layer after layer....hand filing each one between layers.  They look really nice....but it took a long time.  The cost was 1,000 rubles ... about $30.  The nail place is just a couple of blocks from the church.  While she was gone, I stayed at the church and we did "English Conversation Group".....a weekly English class which we do as a public service and as a way to meet potential investigators.    Then, after Marilyn got back, we had a meeting with a young man at the church...then a meeting with the sisters at the home of a sister (a member) who has a non-member lady living with her. (they were at church today)  It took 45 minutes via bus and walking to get to their home from the church.  Then we met up with the elders and walked another 1/2 hour to visit a less active member.   It was late when we finally got home and we were  a bit tired.

Last Monday ("P" day)  we went to a large street market....lots of booths selling all kinds of stuff.  I bought a leather "European Man Purse"  to keep my i-pad and stuff it will not get "Pick-Pocketed"....I also bought a cool European style leather hat and a really cool tie.  I think Marilyn put a picture of me in my hat and bag on our blog.  Se will be adding a bunch more photos today or tomorrow.  She also bought a nice leather purse.

The weather here is beautiful!  Flowers are coming up...trees are leafing out.... it is unusually warm....not complaining.   We did discover one thing when we were at a beautiful city park-----Russian mosquito's are the size of small airplanes  and  there are a lot of them.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Lord helps us even at McDonald's

 I Have to tell you of the tender mercy of our Father -in-Heaven today.  Richard and I walked to meet the missionaries and then walked around Chely  from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm I mean we walked and walked and walked finally on the way home we were so hungry after not eating this whole time I convinced Richard that we could stop  at McDonald's and get a Big Mac in Russian I mean how hard could it be right.  Richard was even tired and hungry enough he caved in.  We got in line and when we got to the window, oh yes there Drive up is actually a walk up, I started to order got the 2 big macs out okay and then I tried to order fries. The person behind us then said in great English would you like me to translate for you. He just happened to be an English teacher at a university here. Yes, the Lord does care about us. Even when we are hungry and tired. I know he loves me

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Songs of Zion

Well we are continuing forward. We have met a lot with the missionaries this week because of General Conference.  Usually they show a delayed conference in both English and /Russian in two different rooms so it ends up with the missionaries in one room and the members in another.  We got permission to show the missionaries it in English at our apt then on Saturday and Sunday we will sit with the members and listen to it in Russian. We are finding very few speak English. We were given a 48 hr. emergency kit at the mission home to keep in the apt.  We are finding we need a similar kit of food that can feed 10 hungry missionaries on the spur of the moment.  That's okay though because we can not do what they do with their language skills so if my job is to feed them so they can stay busy then that's great. I thought I would go on a mission and actually be a teacher but that is not the case.  I realized Sunday how much I miss singing the songs of Zion in  English. In relief society the closing song was Lead kindly light. The words are: lead kindly light amid the encircling gloom lead thou me on The night is dark and I am far from home. Lead thou me on! Well I lost it I cried and cried as they sang the rest of the song.  I have never felt more far from home as I did in that moment.  You have to remember it was Relief Society, so after the closing prayer the sister that was conducting raced to me and just hugged me and gave me relief. The gospel is true and God does want us to care for each other.  I don't know why I am here I thought I would do something good for these members but maybe it is for them to serve me.  I am finding for the first time in my life I am very needy and dependent on others.  That is not easy for me. Love you all enjoy singing, memories the words they will give you peace.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

First week

Well Hi everyone!  Our first week is coming to a close we have had an adventure.  We walked out of the airport in Moscow not picking up our luggage because we thought it was Checked all the way through to Yekaterinburg. WRONG!!!!!  When ever you go into a new country it is only checked to the first place in which you land in that country.  So when we went to get our tickets for the flight to Yekat. they asked to see our luggage, we didn't know where is was. Our translator was also clue less and we panicked for a minute or two but found it at the lost and found and unclaimed part of the airport.  It was a shorter flight than we thought to Yekaterinburg which was nice and when we arrive the mission President and his wife and the assistances were waiting for us they were a great sight to see. We had a wonderful Senior couple conference at the mission home then Thursday and Friday and we left for Chelyabinsk on Saturday arriving around noon.  The missionaries found us a great apt. and took us shopping.  I can't believe how much stuff you need to get to set up a kitchen. Well we have to go Monday and get the rest of the food.  We had a great Sunday meeting with the Branch here in Chely.  They were super nice on sister came and said she really liked my nails and knows where I can get them done!!!! See there are fashion conscious women around the world!!  I found their concerns for their children and families are just the same.  We are united as mothers and wives. Sisters are Sisters!! We will soon add pictures to the blog.  Love ya all

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Last Sunday

Well today is our lat Sunday at an English speaking church and our last Sunday in Utah, USA.  I really have a lot of mixed emotions going through my self.  I know what we are doing is right and it is what we are suppose to be doing .  I know all the right answers, but it is still a little hard.  The flight over there scares me a little, and going into through customs terrifies me a lot.  Again I know all the right answers, you will be guided and such.   I guess it is my own faith  that I need to strengthen. It reminds me of a phase in a song sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven.  Well I just wish they would come without any work on my part!  I know every one wishes us the best and I know your prayers are with us, it is just hard to put all that in action again on my part. I will make it----- I will make it ------I will make it through the next couple of days, I will make it though the next couple of days.  The sun always comes up and Gods Loves us and Christ is our Savior these are unchangeable trues and I will make it.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Our stay at the MTC is nearing an end.  We have classes all day Wednesday and a few on Thursday (3/22/12).   We will leave for home mid-day Thursday and spend a few days home before we fly out on the 27th.
We celebrated our anniversary (March 20th) and took a few photos.  You can see them below:  

Sister Meng and Elder Meng

Everyone who eats here must have a name badge

The fancy resturant on our anniversary

Sister Meng is not sure she wants to eat dinner.

Elder Meng eats some "noodle things" on our anniversary.

March 20, 2012

Today is our 43rd Anniversary We have celebrated by eating out for every meal.!!!!!
Of course they are the free meals in the MTC's cafeteria but they are meals out. HA HA HA my Husband tells me.  For information to my friend's back home we did buy me an I pad I just couldn't let Richard out do me.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Our room

1 down and 1/2 of a week to go

Well hurray the first week is over!  We learned a lot, we have practiced giving missionary lessons to potential members to part member families and learned what to do when we meet with the leadership of the branch where we are going to live.
We have been to language classes and tried to learn the alphabet.  We are pretty much a lost cause but we are trying.  My greatest joy this week was to hear Richard's church voice.  I didn't realize how much comfort it gives my inner self to hear it, I almost cried because of the peaceful feeling that came over me.  I now know that it is his choice too to be here.  We are realizing everyday that we are going exactly where God wants us to go and really where we are needed the most. I do know that we are God's children, that He has a great plan for us, and if we fallow that plan He has even greater blessings than we can imagine.  I guess I'm sounding like a missionary.  The MTC worked it's magic.   Cictra Meng

Monday, March 12, 2012

Elder Meng hard at work

Well, we Made it we are at the MTC in Provo.  The latest catastrophe was that our sprinkle system at home sprung a big leak.  Thanks to Logan City we were notified just in time to get it fixed before we left.  I really do think we were blessed in that we were able to fix it before it became a big problem that no one would ever see and remain a problem for a long time and becoming worse over time.  The weather is great in Provo in fact we keep saying we are too hot.  Most of the other senior missionaries here are going to Nauvoo. When we introduced our selves and said where we are going you should have heard the Oh I'm so sorry for you comments.  Then they all said they would pray for us.  So It will be great cause we will have more prayers said in our behalf.  Well of course you all know we will need them the most any way. I do want everyone to know that both Elder Meng and I do have a confirming  feeling of this is our place of service and that the Lord for some unknown reason wants us there and wants us there now at this time.  We are excited and trilled to be here. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012


       Well time is drawing near the last of things here need to done.  We speak in in church on the 26th of February.  Our block is 9:00 to 12:00 with sacrament meeting is last at around 10:30, 10:40.  We will have an open house after at our home.  The clothes have been bought, the shoes, boots and luggage too. The bills have been paid the doctors have been visited. We just need to pack, turn the TV off and lock the door. I hope we can serve and be of worth to our Heavenly Father and do some good for those around us and for ourselves. We will need the help of family and friends of faith and prayers so the spirit can guide us and be with us in our travels and in our inter actions with others. We are excited to get started!!!