We have often talked about the Abduline Family. It started out to be as a suggested part member family for Richard and I to contact. Well us and our Russian.we had to have the missionaries do the calling and thanks to their persistent and calling over and over again they finally said yes to a meeting. We had them over to eat and had another family that they knew in the branch. They were ready to listen and ready for the spirit to be in their lives. Their 14 year old daughter is just bursting with enthusiasm and goodness. The family came to church once and she went home and read all the lessons and told her Dad I want to get baptized tomorrow!!! He of course said slow down we need to have the missionaries teach you the lessons. The Mom Alena has been more guarded with her feelings. We told them to write down their questions and we would answer them or find the answers for them. The first question really came out of the blue as it dealt with young children when they die when are they raised? We found a lesson on that very thing in the teaching of the prophets Joseph F. Smith. Not wanting her daughter to be taught alone she wanted to be present when she was taught and learn too. She also wanted to read the entire B of M before she would even think about being baptized. The missionaries made up a reading chart and challenged them to read as a family which they are doing. The question came up last time they met with the missionaries about tithing and Alenna said she just didn't think she could do that money is very tight. Then we had District conference with 2 general authorities we all went on the bus 4 hrs. to listen to the talks. Yes the family was with us. They had a special mtg. with new members and investigators at 10:00 then with everyone at 11:00. I did not go to the 10:00 mtg. but the 11:00 mtg was just amazing. The Last speaker got up and said I am sorry but I really feel prompted that there is someone here who needs to have me speak on the law of tithing and the truthfulness of that commandment. I hope the rest of you may also benefit and renew your desire to live more fully this law. and then he spoke for 40 minutes on tithing. I new of the questions Alene had and I was blown away. After the mtg I looked back at her and she had tears running down her face. Which by the way is a big no no in Russia, it is a sign of weakness. The daughter already had a baptismal date for the 8th of Sept. but is was going to be only her. I tried last week at church to joke and tell Alenne she was next but it did not go over very well. Well Monday we got a call from the missionaries saying that Alenna came home from the conference and said it is time my questions have been answered I must act on faith I want to get baptized with my daughter!!!! they are an awesome family they have another daughter who is 11 almost 12. I think they want her to have her own desire and come out and say Me to and that will happen. May I have and exercise as much faith as I see other have and do each day just to live. Heavenly Father knows us and knows our needs and loves us.
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