cute couple

cute couple
here we go

Home Sweet Home!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New year Every one.  I have not written for a long time and I am sorry about that. A lot has been going on.  We had a wonderful sisters conference the middle of October then we moved to Yekaterinburg Russia.  We are now in the mission office Richard is in charge of the mission finances  and I am the mission secretary.  We now have a deeper appreciation for the people who have served in those callings when ever we were President.  We did not realize all you did to keep things running so smoothly.  We keep things running but we are still trying to iron out the smoothly part.  I knew the church liked reports but I never new there was so many ways to put them on the computers and i pads and i phones in word documents excel documents and pdfs tifs and jpegs and a lot of other alphabets letters put together.  The mission President really likes his reports with all the names spelled correctly and in the right zone with the right phone number and address, go figure.  He also talks to the missionaries about serving with exactness.  I am finally learning what that means, after all these years. I finally told him I leave in one mistake just to test his ability to find what is wrong with the report and to time him in finding it.  So far he is very fast getting faster.  Richard, the poor man has to deal with missionaries who lose their cards spend too much and whine that they did not get all their money for the month but rally have spent it too fast.  Then the credit card people who really do make mistakes and will not admit that to anyone.  It does take a lot of support effort to keep the work of spreading the gospel going.  We ended up at the mission office in the busiest time possible and had to jump in and try to keep up with the current. We would go to the office at 8:00 in the morning and come home dead tired at 7:00 at night.  We only eat at night so by the time we were done eating all we wanted to do was go to bed.  Things now are finally slowing down a  bit or we are getting faster in knowing what to do and how to do it.  The couple before were very good at what they did and we are trying hard to fill in the loss of them to the mission.  I keep telling myself there must be something I can give that will be worth while but a headache to the mission president is not exactly what he wants I am sure. We do not help the missionaries on lessons and I miss that even though Richard thought we were more hind-est that help.  I was exciting to watch peoples lives change and to watch the light of Christ fill their souls and in a real sense light them up with happiness.  This is more of a job and we are getting another perspective of what it takes to be on a mission.  This has been harder than I have wanted but we watch the film to the rescue and I can truly say I am thankful I have only been asked to serve in Russia and not pull a handcart. However some days it is a toss up. I really wanted to go on a mission so I could talk to people about the gospel and some days I hardly talk at all.  Most days it is just to my companion cause he is the only one who understands my language. Then when I do get to talk I say the dumbest things or totally the wrong thing.  Well enough of that.  I wish I could say we had an amazing Christmas but we did not. We loved talking to the family and we thank you for all you do for us.  I miss you all like crazy  I will accomplish this task and calling but I will love it when we can come home.  Love ya all.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Traveling is not fun in Russia!! However it is an adventure every time.  We found that we could maneuver the airports reasonably well. The time that we have to set in the airports waiting for flights is really long.  We have good news on that front.  The visa are going to be extended to a three yr. visa in Russia but we will still have to leave every 6 months for a migration stamp. That means we just have to go out and then come back in, one foot out two feet out one foot in two feet in. We do not even have to leave the airport.  Since we will be flying out of Yekaterinburg we can get a direct flight to Helsinki then turn around and fly back in.  It also cuts each missionaries travel in half, maybe we can get more missionaries sent here they are really needed. We were blessed to find a native Russian coming to visit her parents in Chelyabinsk from Miami who spoke great English.  In fact that was the longest English conversation I have had with anyone for 6 months.  It was great. We are constantly reminded that Our Father in Heaven is aware of us and watches out for us.  Richard fell over a small ledge holding our luggage and could not catch himself.  I thought sure he had relieved his shin bone of a lot of skin or twisted his ankle.  When we go home to clean it up it ended up that he had just bruised himself not a break in the skin at all. Which if you would have seen the fall you too would have been amazed.  
  We had Borise come to church today.  He is an investigator that we have known since we have been here but have not seen for a month.  He said he had been doing some traveling with his wife and having the time of his life.  He wanted to thank us for helping him with advice on how to make his marriage better. His wife is not interested in the church and did not want him to be.  He wanted to show her that the church was good for their marriage.  I hope she will turn around in her attitude.  He is a great investigator.  Well this week I do a cooking demonstration will write more next week.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Well. The Baptism was a success.  It was blocked in every way.  Right after her interview with the Missionaries Alene got in her car and got in an accident she hit someone walking in the street( she tells this in testimony mtg today) She was scared of what the police would do to her.  So she and the person she hits stand together waiting for the police and the man looked at her with compassion and said I forgive you and walked away.  She said that she could not believe her ears no one in this town does that! (Her words not mine) She said she knew God was pleased with her decision to be baptized and gave her a miracle to prove it.  Then they could not find a place to have the baptism it was off again then late Thursday night Her husband was looking for something else and came across this place he went in to see if he could rent it and he asked they gave him a price that was reasonable but said any more than ten people and after that it would be so much more per person.  He said that that was just too much because it was for a baptism and there would be much more that the base price.  She turned to him and said a Baptism that is a very good reason to be here so she waved the extra charges and said have as many people as you want.  The baptism was on again.  We were all going to meet at the church and take a city bus together, No no the street to get to the place was closed on Saturday because of a Parade. Wow, what else can be thrown up. The poor missionaries made again 20 calls each to say just go to the sauna and meet there. When the husband called his chef friend to help make some of the food he told it what it was for and the friend said it was for a noble cause and he would not charge him.  Alene said that was God's way to let her know he was proud that she committed to pay tithing.  Alene brought her mother who in the day taught English (so she has good English) she came to the baptism thinking her daughter was joining this American English church. she talked to us in English but then she went up to another lady and started to talk to her and ask her where he was from The lady went net net I'm a Russian Grandma, then she saw someone else and tried English on her and she went net net I'm a Russian No English. I think she was greatly relieved that other Russians were members. People made such a fuss over her that she asked her daughter Alene to be her some church magazines so she could read them. The Lord loves us all no matter where we live.  Israel, Israel God is calling you home!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

We have a, no We have two baptisms

We have often talked about the Abduline Family.  It started out to be as a suggested part member family for Richard and I to contact.  Well us and our Russian.we had to have the missionaries do the calling and thanks to their persistent and calling over and over again they finally said yes to a meeting.  We had them over to eat and had another family that they knew in the branch.  They were ready to listen and ready for the spirit to be in their lives.  Their 14 year old daughter is just bursting with enthusiasm and goodness. The family came to church once and she went home and read all the lessons and told her Dad I want to get baptized tomorrow!!!  He of course said slow down we need to have the missionaries teach you the lessons. The Mom Alena has been more guarded with her feelings.  We told them to write down their questions and we would answer them or find the answers for them. The first question really came out of the blue as it dealt with young children when they die when are they raised?  We found a lesson on that very thing in the teaching of the prophets Joseph F. Smith.  Not wanting her daughter to be taught alone she wanted to be present when she was taught and learn too.  She also wanted to read the entire B of M before she would even think about being baptized. The missionaries made up a reading chart and challenged them to read as a family which they are doing. The question came up last time they met with the missionaries about tithing and Alenna said she just didn't think she could do that money is very tight.  Then we had District conference with 2 general authorities we all went on the bus 4 hrs. to listen to the talks.  Yes the family was with us.  They had a special mtg. with new members and investigators at 10:00 then with everyone at 11:00.  I did not go to the 10:00 mtg. but the 11:00 mtg was just amazing. The Last speaker got up and said I am sorry but I really feel prompted that there is someone here who needs to have me speak on the law of tithing and the truthfulness of that commandment.  I hope the rest of you may also benefit and renew your desire to live more fully this law. and then he spoke for 40 minutes on tithing. I new of the questions Alene had and I was blown away. After the mtg I looked back at her and she had tears running down her face.  Which by the way is a big no no in Russia, it is a sign of weakness. The daughter already had a baptismal date for the 8th of Sept. but is was going to be only her.  I tried last week at church to joke and tell Alenne she was next but it did not go over very well. Well Monday we got a call from the missionaries saying that Alenna came home from the conference and said it is time my questions have been answered I must act on faith I want to get baptized with my daughter!!!!  they are an awesome family they have another daughter who is 11 almost 12.  I think they want her to have her own desire and come out and say Me to and that will happen.  May I have and exercise as much faith as I see other have and do each day just to live.  Heavenly Father knows us and knows our needs and loves us.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tender Mercies

I want to write this event down just to remind myself that the Lord does remember us even when we least expects Him too. Richard and I had been on one of our many shopping trips which included a bus ride. We just got on and sat down and before I go any farther I should describe those rides they very from over crowded to crowded and no one speaks to anyone usually you ride in silence  unless your phone goes off or you are drunk then you speak to others.  Sometimes it is very hard to keep your balance as the driving is very stop and go .  If you fall or bump someone they just give dirty looks and say nothing.  We try not to talk to give away our English nationality.  So it is very impersonal and a don't bother me attitude that goes on.  Once someone fell off balance and I know I shouldn't have but I laughed and he looked up and saw me laughing at him (it was funny) and all of a sudden he cracked a smile and even laughed too but then returned to his stern look and life went on quiet.  I 'm getting away from my story.  I sat down and the man across the isle from me turned and smiled and then reached over and lifted my name badge and started to talk to me, in Russian of course, and He manner was very sweet and in deering so I was not afraid just felt bad that I could not understand him.  So I just said I only speak English I'm sorry.  He turned away mumbling something.  All of a sudden I saw him reach for his phone which looked like an I phone and very expensive.  I all of a sudden got the impression "he is calling someone to talk to you and will give you his phone take it." I just shook my head thinking no not that phone he doesn't know if I will steel it or not.  The words take it came again to my mind.  I watched him talk to some one on the phone then he turned to me with the biggest grin and handed me the phone and motioned for me to put it to my ear.  I put it to my ear and in broken English I heard This is Elder King I am suppose to tell you that couples like you are a great blessing to Russian and this gentleman wants you to know what a great thing you are doing here and that he wishes you all the best in what ever you do. I just could not believe what I was hearing and kept saying thank you in Russian (one of the 5 words that I know).  Then I gave the phone back to the man who was grinning from ear to ear and Richard who was saying what what what over and over.   The gentleman sat back folded his arms smiling the rest of the trip .  I told Richard what had happened and he could believe it and I sat thinking I should have asked for his name or something. We got off before he did and we shook his hand and he said a word that was later  translated into meaning wonderfully marvelous. We were not having a down moment in which we needed lifted or a good word from some one but the Lord new the probably in the future we might and He gave us this tender mercy to remind us that we are needed and we are doing His work and He does appreciates our efforts even if to us they do not seem like much.  I love serving my Father -in-Heaven He is always there for us and He does direct His work and cares for His workers.   

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A new assignment

Well, another month has pasted time has really been going fast. I really wanted to go on a mission and be involved with the missionary work of meeting with people and being with the missionaries. That is also what our mission has been so far.  The language has been a real challenge more so for Richard I am now finding out.  Everyone knows that very little stops me from saying what I feel.  Richard on the other hand has sat back and not spoke up.  Mainly because it is really awkward to  talk because you always having someone translate for you and the missionaries only give you very little of what's going on. He has done well I don't want to sound like he has not, it just has not been his thing but he has served with me.  The Lord know us all.  So I got my mission desires fulfilled in the first part of our mission.  We got the call from the Mission President to sharpen our pencils and come to work in the office starting in Nov.  Richard will get the mission experience that he likes the second half and now I will serve with him.  The office I am sure will be a  different thing best of all English is spoken there 95% of the time. Richard will do what he does best and that is budget. We will work with the assistants to the President but not with investigators so much.  I am really kind of surprised cause after knowing us for 5 months the President still asked us to come into the mission home and work closer with him. We are humbled and glad for the assignment.  Winter could have been a lot of time spent in our apartment doing very little. I thank my Father in Heaven for knowing our needs and providing experiences for both of us in this companionship.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Police Yikes Police

Well today was Zone class at our apt. Nothing new, right we have them once a week, Wrong, WRONG!!!
The Zone Leaders walked up to our building and outside and passed a policeman that said you you where are you going? They said to meet with people in this building he asked for their passports they showed them theirs and he said I will come with you!!! So our bell rings and they say Guess who we brought with us????  He comes in and says what is going on? I want to see the person who lives here.  Well I was standing the closest to the door and I said me then the Elders said with her husband.  He wanted our passports well we got the originals not the copies he looked at them and said I will take them and meet you at the office.  The Elders yelled net or no no you won't, you will not leave here with them.  He say Okay where are you registered? not at our address.  WE and the others missionaries give the Churches address as our registered address. He stated that is wrong and we were to with him. He wants to talk with us alone in the other room,  the Elders tell him that will not do because we know no Russian the first time that is a good thing.  By this time my lunch is burning Richard is NOT happy and the Elders are yelling No No we will call our registrar so they call the Sister of the Branch that registers all the missionaries and gets her on the phone to talk with this policeman.  The Elders tell me to give him some cookies (big bribe right)  so I get the cookies.  He eats and asks for our rent agreement.  Then he tells us we are stupid for paying as much rent as we do.  He takes a copy of our passports puts them in his bag but gives us our originals.  Says he will check if we are breaking the Law and will call if he finds anything wrong. We try to give him a Book of Mormon but he refuses it. Like we would want to teach him anyway. Then after 40 minutes with him going through our papers he leaves. Wow are we not in the USA--- we are not!! have WE been shaken Yes we have.  WE must be doing some good here cause Satan is stepping up his game against us.  Thank Heavens we are on the Lord's Team.  He will hold us and protect us and be our guard against evil.